Cleaning Fitness Equipment

Matt Delaney Equipment Service, Quick Tips, Video

What to use and how to do it right.

Are you properly cleaning your exercise equipment? A good cleaning and  disinfecting routine is important for both health reasons and keeping your machine functioning properly and looking great. Typical household cleaners, however, are often NOT the best option. In this video we cover how to properly clean fitness equipment AND what you SHOULD use to get the job done.

Watch our video on best practices when cleaning fitness equipment.

Most regular household cleaners tend to be too harsh and can often cause surfaces on your machine to fade and deteriorate much more quickly than normal. More importantly, they can be harmful to the user. Harsh chemicals can transfer from the machine surface to your hands while working out. Wipe away sweat from your forehead with your hands, and you’ve got bleach on your face. Not Good.

On the other hand, other cleaners may help clear away sweat, dirt, and dust but won’t kill germs.

Simple Green* (diluted 3-to-1) is the ideal solution for cleaning exercise equipment. It cleans, disinfects, and is perfectly safe to use. It will also keep your machine looking great. We recommend mixing the solution in a clear spray bottle and labeling it “Fitness Cleaner”. That way everyone who cleans the machine knows exactly what to use.

Here are some important things to remember while cleaning fitness equipment:

  1. Unplug the machine!
  2. Use a clean, cotton towel. Don’t spray directly onto the equipment. Spray the towel first then wipe from top to bottom.
  3. Avoid plugs, wires, etc.
  4. Do not spray the walk belt on a treadmill. It can cause the belt surface to become dangerously slick.

And there you have it. When using the proper tools and techniques, cleaning your equipment is a quick and easy way to keep your equipment looking great and to keep YOU up and running. We recommend you give your exercise equipment a good wipe down once every quarter.

If you found this video helpful be sure to like and subscribe to our YouTube Channel for more ways to care for your fitness equipment.

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*We are not affiliated with Simple Green in any way, nor do we receive any compensation for recommending their product.